Jonah was sent to Nineveh to preach God's word but refused to go. And his excuse.
(NIV)Jonah 4:2
He prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.
It's amazing that we can get upset about the fact that God doesn't punish bad people forgetting our sins before him.
(NIV)Jonah 2:2
He said:
“In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From deep in the realm of the dead I called for help, and you listened to my cry.
It's amazing how even in the belly of giant fish. In pitch darkness, Jonah remembered the Lord. If it was me, I would be spending my time thinking of ways to get out. This is a true test of faith. (NIV)Jonah 3:10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened. God shows consistency in the sense that he wants us to repent and searches our hearts. He's itching to forgive us and bring us closer to him irrespective of what we did in the past. Mind you, these are the same people who took the northern kingdom into captivity. Wow!
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