Lord you've been our dwelling place from generations to generations. The length of our days is 80 years at most. Teach us our ways so we May have joy in our short days. (Ps 90)
The world is firmly established. It cannot he moved. (Ps 92)
That he who formed eyes not see? Blessed is the man,whom the Lord disciplines. Don't be fooled for the Lord will come with thunder and might to destroy them for wickedness (Ps 94)
Come let us sing for joy! If you hear his voice today, don't harden your hearts as times yet not forgotten. For the Lord was angry with them for 40 years. (Ps 95)
Let those who love the Lord, hate evil. For surely we can't proclaim his glorious deeds if our lives and doctrine are not in balance. I need to always watch out that I'm worthy of praising him. (Ps 97)
For the Lord is good and is love endures forever. (Ps 100)
A man who truly suffers for his afflictions and yet believes that the Lord is still around and brings praise up to God. For surely this is a lesson to all of us to remain focussed on God and have confidence in his works. For a people yet not created will praise the Lord. Wow! For surely my job and the job of my household is to build a culture that will be embraced by the next generation. For my job is not with just what is seen, but also with what is unseen. (Ps 102)
The Lord is abounding in love. He forgives my sin for he remembers that we're dust and so separates my sin as far as eway is from west. For I should the Lord oh my soul. (Ps 103)
Make known to the nations what he has done. For he is the Lord our God. For in the past, the Lord protected his people allowed noone to harm them. So the story of rebellion showed that the Lord loves us so much through how he continues to show them mercy by giving them the land others had toiled for. (Ps 105)
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