The Passover, which in the Jewish religion is part the Three Pilgrimage Festivals, was commanded by God. For at this time God truly showed His power against the Egyptians. For God was very specific on how to remember the passover. Not a once off event, but something to remember forever.... well until another event that God required us to remember which also involve a sacrifice and gift that we didn't ask or expect: The body and blood of our lord Jesus Christ. We remember this time during communion every time we meet.
It's worth noting that we should teach the miracles that God has done for us to our children and make them understand how grateful we should be for what he has done. We should say "With a mighty hand, the Lord brought us out of Egypt".
God decided to let the Israelites go through the desert instead of the Philistine country. It says He did that to prevent them from being completely discouraged and flee back to Egypt where at least they had security. Although that route was shorter, they would have lost many lives. God truly cares for us!
In face of tribulations, God said "Don't cry out to me, but move on" We can be so caught up in our problems and the only thing God wants to do is to "move on".The Israelites went through the Red Sea on dry ground. Great shouts and songs of victory. "For the Lord is my strength and my song". Jubilation and joy within our hearts on his deliverance.
We can easily forget what God has done, blowing our problems and his faithfulness down. God said, "if you obey me, then you will be healed". That even Manna from the sky. Even then God was trying to teach them a lesson by relying on God for "their daily bread". This lesson was taught for 40 YEARS! For them to realize the importance of the Sabbath (rest) and God's control and guidance over their lives. It's amazing to think that some children were born in this era and that's all they knew.
It's amazing that God asked Moses to struck the rock in the presence of the elders. Just as Jesus appearing to a number of his disciples after his resurrection. So that they might become credible witnesses to the rest of the people.
Joshua fought with God's strength through Moses holding up the staff. This represented the need for us to always look up to God for strength and courage and always persevere.
Moses shows that he had a great relationship with his father-in-law. Even though Jethro was from Midian and not and Israelite, Moses acted out of humility, listened to him and took his advice. Ex 18 teaches us a couple of lessons a leader should always take to heart: humility, advice, teach, appoint reliable men and delegate.
God's plan was always to built a holy kingdom of priests. Those who will be devoted to praise him and offer sacrifice through their obedience of His commands. God descended to the top of SINAI. What a sight it must have been! The Ten commandments was given to Moses requesting complete obedience and reverence to God.
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