The very famous story of the Israelites in Egypt. It's amazing to notice that they stayed in the same land (Goshen) that Pharaoh had given to Joseph and his family 400 years earlier.
Moses flees Egypt to Midian after killing an Egyptian guard. He sees the burning bush while being a shepherd. Gets commanded by God to free the slaves from Egypt but he has his reservations. One amazing thing here is that most of us would have said yes and not communicated our fears directly to God but expressed it through rebellion or disobedience.
Moses was very aware of his weaknesses. He didn't hide them or pretend they were not there. He asked God for help and He duly answered by providing Aaron to be by his side.
God predicted that because he will harden Pharaoh's heart, his mighty hand will be revealed in all the land. He even says this is the reason why He raised Pharaoh up. This is another hard teaching that God decides who dies and who lives. It's not for us to question, but for us to praise him that he's in control and not us.
The final plague, death of firstborn, which is significant in the God's only son dying on the cross, was the trigger for the exodus of the Israelites. What's more amazing is that the blood of the lamb that was used as a sacrifice instead of Isaac's body is in contrast to this story.
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