It must be said that reading this book all over again this past two days has rekindled a fire that had been lost the last couple of years entrenched in the rat race of chasing life. The noting that we're influenced and influencing our own reality through the rental paper of the dynamic (yet complex) system of interrelationships and patterns, is something we often don't think about.
The notion that I don't have to pretend to know all the answers but rather start conversations with the role players in the system we're all part of and begin to begin to understand the cause and effects of my actions and inactions that generate and underlying pattern of behavior.
It's quite clear and I need to be conscious of my passion and hunger for the reality that I wish to pursue. A reality that creates enough creative tension to continue to push me towards that lifestyle that transcends beyond my scope of influence but rather and an addition to society such that the very same patterns of behavior are addressed and dealt with...
Im now on a road to discovery...
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