Does God Answer Specific Prayers?:
Let me give you an example of one way God deepened my faith in this area. Because I have bipolar II disorder and also live alone, my doctor encouraged me to get a dog. Feeding and walking a dog helps build structure and routine into the day. But I was at a place in my life where I wasn't sure I could afford a dog, especially the shots and veterinarian visits that would be required.
But I went ahead and asked God to provide me with a dog. I love dogs and have had several, so I was specific in my prayer. "Father, I am grateful for what you can provide but this is what I'd like:
I said, "I really was hoping to find a cockapoo."
She said there was someone who had recently called about a cockapoo. She gave me a card and said, "Give this woman a call and see if she has the right dog for you."
I called Laura West, who owned Pumpkin, a 4-year-old female cockapoo who weighed around 30 pounds and was current on all her shots. When I asked her how much she wanted for Pumpkin, she said, "I just want her to have a good home!"
I told Laura how I'd prayed specifically for this dog. Was it a coincidence that I just happened to walk into the rescue looking for a dog at the same time Laura, who is also a believer, had called the rescue about Pumpkin?
I think Pumpkin is my God dog, and so I can say with confidence that God is working to meet your needs as well. Thank God, from whom all blessings flow!
Talk About It
This devotional ©Copyright 2012 Jon Walker. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
"All eyes look to You, and You give them their food at the proper time. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing." (Psalm 145:15-16 HCSB)
The distinction between coincidence and God's activity in your life is important because it will affect your ability to thank God for the many things he provides. If you think in terms of coincidence as opposed to God's activity in your life, you will miss the truth that God is providing for your every need.Let me give you an example of one way God deepened my faith in this area. Because I have bipolar II disorder and also live alone, my doctor encouraged me to get a dog. Feeding and walking a dog helps build structure and routine into the day. But I was at a place in my life where I wasn't sure I could afford a dog, especially the shots and veterinarian visits that would be required.
But I went ahead and asked God to provide me with a dog. I love dogs and have had several, so I was specific in my prayer. "Father, I am grateful for what you can provide but this is what I'd like:
One that is hypoallergenic, because I am allergic to dogs that shed. I'd really like a cockapoo - a cross between a cocker spaniel and poodle.
One that is older and already trained.
One that is female, because my last dog was a very territorial male.
One that is around 30 pounds.
One that I can afford to keep."
I said, "I really was hoping to find a cockapoo."
She said there was someone who had recently called about a cockapoo. She gave me a card and said, "Give this woman a call and see if she has the right dog for you."
I called Laura West, who owned Pumpkin, a 4-year-old female cockapoo who weighed around 30 pounds and was current on all her shots. When I asked her how much she wanted for Pumpkin, she said, "I just want her to have a good home!"
I told Laura how I'd prayed specifically for this dog. Was it a coincidence that I just happened to walk into the rescue looking for a dog at the same time Laura, who is also a believer, had called the rescue about Pumpkin?
I think Pumpkin is my God dog, and so I can say with confidence that God is working to meet your needs as well. Thank God, from whom all blessings flow!
Talk About It
What is a way God has provided for you this past year?
What are the things for which you have to be thankful?
This devotional ©Copyright 2012 Jon Walker. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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