It seems to happen to me every monday. As soon as i switch my PC on i'm hit with this notion that i'm trapped in a rat race i thought i would never be part of. But then again...
Is there such thing as a sat race? Or is it a concept made up by those who were too cowardly to do something about their 'helpless' situations?
Well according to the Bible, we are either slave to God or Satan. But i think my problem (and so many other millions who hav a job) is notion of someone else controlling our lives. Eventhough that very life was never mine.
Besides God, our parents should hav more say on wat we do wit lives as they brought into this world. So the concept of havin to work for the rest of our lives, is only a snapshot of countless examples of dependability all around. But instead of embracing this unshakeable fact, we try fight. The only thing we truly hav control of, is how pleasant we make our slavery through the choices we make.
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