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Showing posts from February, 2020

Accepting change without regret

The last couple of months have been, for a lack of the better word, life-changing. I know that such words as "flash-of-light", "out-of-body experience", "life-changing" are often thrown in conversations to get attention on yourself. But I honestly believe my life trajectory and priorities have taken a "left-turn" in the last few months. Above all, the last few months, I got to start filling the empty hole that I didn't want to admit was part of my life: knowing my roots. Visiting and staying at the places where my ancestors grew up, from both sides of my family, was an enriching experience. Getting to connect with cousins, uncles, aunts and elders have been both overwhelming and enthralling. Being away from my family has reinforced my commitment to them to strive to always be the best version of me. I've learned for the first time, a family is not where you find people that look like you but rather people who just want ...