Today is one of those days where it has really dawned on me that the noble virtues of keeping time especially when it comes to the "doctor's appointment" should remain pure and preserved to it's natural state.
Now what happens when you make an appointment with a doctor (a specialist i might add), you plan your day so that you won't be late because you still consider it as cardinal sin to be late for a doctor's appointment and God forbid that you should be late. So by the grace from on high, you manage to get there on time and the waiting room feels like a drive through whereby people are neither coming or going. You feel disoriented and get this ugly feeling that the doctor didn't keep his end of the bargain: he didn't stick the schedule that from a young age, you teach your children to respect the doctor's room and everything associated with that.
But it seems the times have changed. Doctors are seen and behave like another cog in this capitalist society. The power of money has diluted what was once a profession that all mortals reverred. It's really a shame... I guess I have to carry on waiting... Sigh
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