The amazing thing about of God is that he tells us what he expects from us by giving us laws and decrees. At the time of hearing all this, I'm sure people felt a bit overwhelmed. But yet he always "provides a way out so we can stand up under it" (1Cor 10). After having spoken of these words, which must have seemed 'Greek' to those simple farmers in a desert, he fills people with the "Spirit of God" and in so doing enables them to become expert craftsmen. WOW!
Sometimes we forget that It was ONLY the Israelites that were commanded to strictly observe the Sabbath unlike popular beliefs today.
Moses comes down the mountain (after 40 days), and the people had built and were worshiping a golden calf. Their excuse was that they didn't know if "this Moses" went and whether they will ever see him again. Their intentions were great, but went about it in the wrong way.
Moses pleads for his people and reminds God (as if) that he took these people out of Egypt. So just like a human being would, God calms down and asks Moses to leave so he can ponder in his thoughts. Moses rallied the Levites and killed 3000 people that day in the camp. Some people killed their own family. Sounds cruel but that's how serious God is to those who forgets him and worship other gods. It's like a "dog going back to its vomit".
Another question comes up... Is the tabernacle and the tent or meeting the same thing? If not what was the purpose of each tent? There's an interesting article about that:
I personally believe they one and the same thing. In the future, It symbolizes that there's one temple of God, built by Solomon and now that we represent through our bodies. The must-read is in Ex 40, where the word Tabernacle and Tent of meeting is used interchangeably and mentioned in a singular manner (Consider Ex 40:19). Weird story telling but true.
Sometimes we forget that It was ONLY the Israelites that were commanded to strictly observe the Sabbath unlike popular beliefs today.
Moses comes down the mountain (after 40 days), and the people had built and were worshiping a golden calf. Their excuse was that they didn't know if "this Moses" went and whether they will ever see him again. Their intentions were great, but went about it in the wrong way.
Moses pleads for his people and reminds God (as if) that he took these people out of Egypt. So just like a human being would, God calms down and asks Moses to leave so he can ponder in his thoughts. Moses rallied the Levites and killed 3000 people that day in the camp. Some people killed their own family. Sounds cruel but that's how serious God is to those who forgets him and worship other gods. It's like a "dog going back to its vomit".
Another question comes up... Is the tabernacle and the tent or meeting the same thing? If not what was the purpose of each tent? There's an interesting article about that:
I personally believe they one and the same thing. In the future, It symbolizes that there's one temple of God, built by Solomon and now that we represent through our bodies. The must-read is in Ex 40, where the word Tabernacle and Tent of meeting is used interchangeably and mentioned in a singular manner (Consider Ex 40:19). Weird story telling but true.
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