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Showing posts from July, 2011

Psalms 1 - 41

To some Psalms (instruments used during the singing of the worship) is described as bible within bible. A collection of songs of praise written over a period of 1000 years - from Moses to David. Quoted the most in the NT and the OT. For it exposes our hearts and the innest thoughts and feelings that brew as we profess our Lord and Saviour. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice in trembling. For the Lord our God is majestic. He needs to hounored for he's our refuge and not forget our righteous acts. For we beg God not to punish us in his anger. For cursed is the man who falls in the hand of the living God. For we need to trust in God's unfailing love and rejoice in his salvation.  For the fool says there's no God. Yet their wickeness will be shown for what it is. For sometimes we feel oppressed from every side. We feel anger brewing in my heart. We're troubled and weak because of the beatings of life. But the Lord is our deliverer, our refuge for the Lord is not far o...

Hebrew Bible vs English Bible

From here onwards there's a distinct change in how the Hebrew bible and the English bible plits. It can be summarized as follows: English bible architecture: History - Poetry - Major prophets - Minor Prophets (the prophets are categorized based on number of writtings) Hebrew bible architecture: Law - Former prophets - Latter prophets - Writtings (this includes such that was not descriptive of a specific time) So I'm going to follow the hebrew bible architecture as it doesn't feel disjointed. See the figure below:

2 Kings 1 - 25

The king wanted to consult Baal instead of God about his illness. Because of that, he died. Elijah prayed and fire consumed the man that came to "enquire" of him. Only when the men came in humility did the fire stop. Wow! God Takes Elijah up in a whirlwind with Elisha watching. Elisha vowed not to leave the side of his master. Elijah struck the water and it parted. The only thing Elisha wanted was to be just as his master with his spirit. Elisha did the same thing and it was done as such. Elisha was called a "bold head" and called upon curses upon them and two bears came and devoured them. The funny part was that it was because he was called a "bold head". The kept performing miracles one of them was the overflowing oil until there was no jar left to fill it with oil. Then the story of a woman who was blessed with a boy but then he died. She went grumbled against Elisha and gave him "I told you so" speech. Sometimes even when we're bles...

1 Kings 1 - 22

Solomon is made king and spares the life of the fraudulent king. This was the first sign of wisdom and grace that he showed. Again the pattern of the younger brother being the line of heritage is followed even during these dark times when God walking with his people. It says that Solomon loved God and offered sacrifice to him. It could only have been tested through time. Based on that, God granted him a wish. Solomon says he's but a little child and needs wisdom from God. For above all things, the one thing we need in abundance. is an understanding of God's will for our lives in order to find favour in his eyes (Moses said that). One mistake he made was raised the Levy of all Israel so he built his palace (13 years) and the temple of God (7 years). Unlike the times of exodus where God would give specific instructions, the temple was build to show the spendour of God reflecting the manhours used for the tent of meeting. Solomon offers prayers up to God and dedicates the te...

2 Samuel 1 - 24

David kills the man who put Saul to the sword for he didn't show fear to God for the Lord's anointed. Irrespective of what happens, we must always show fear God and his word above everything else. David made a song about how the mighty have fallen. This shows us how personal David took the disgrace of Israel as if it was his. At that time, David was leading Judah and was at war with the house of Saul. David shows heart and humility by weeping for Abner and is the first to walk behind the tomb. He wasn't scared to weep aloud and to show weakness by not eating in front of everyone. For he sang songs of joy and bitterness for those who had fallen by the sword due to injustice. The amazing story of David and Mephibosheth. A lesson of providence and compassion and love that can transcend generations. For truly the one thing that can have an everlasting impact is how we treat one another with time that we have. David finally became king overall all Israel. We went to war ...

1Samuel 1 - 31

Synominous to the story of Rachel who also couldn't have a child, Hannah prayed to the Lord and decided to concencrate the child to be nazarene. So Samuel grew up in the temple of the Lord. Given a vision from God, he was aks (at a young age) to tell Eli about the calamities that are about to happen upon his family. At the time the Philistines ruled over Israel (what's new) and they captured the ark. But God being a God that honours his word, struck down the philistines for dishonouring God to the point of performing a burnt offering and take the ark back where it belonged. Israel asks for a King and anoints Saul. What's weird is that in Deut 17, the king needed to be chosen by God and noone else. This was the case with Saul. He started off so valiently and freed his nation of their enenmies. Then he gets rebuked for making an offering to the Lord without proper consultation with Samuel. The issue of pride and arrogance started as he didn't show remorse and begged fo...


This could also be combined with the book of Judges. Ruth was a Moabite women whom God was prepared to bless her because of her unfailing love for God and God's people. Naomi and Ruth became a strong bond. This story is in such contrast to the previous book of evil priests, prostitutes, civil war. Ruth's humility and also the knowledge of God's word which commanded the Israelites not to take everything out of their fields but leave some for those who don't have. For truly Ruth's simple heart touched Boaz and was amazed by her hard work and focus spirit and noble character. So Boaz took Ruth as his wife being the next redeemer in line. Ruth gave birth to a son his name was Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David. Because of her faithfullness and love for her mother-in-law and her God, She formed the line of Jesus. May God be praised! Amen

Judges 11 - 21

-JEPHTHAH The son of a prostitute chased away from his father's household. He reminds the Moabites and the Ammonites that it's because of their stubborness that God struck them down. His daugther was the sacrifice of his stupid vow to God and he obeyed it. With his daughter's blessing! Wow! Be careful when you show a vow to people! -IZBA, ELON, ABBON ruled over Isreal with no special mention -SAMSON - A nazarene, a devotion to the Lord since birth, the stories have been told in various movies. But the funny thing is why did Samson tell Delilah his true secret if he saw that she was being deceitful? One reason can be attributed to this? Human weakness. In every man, there's a sinful and wicked side. -MICAH Hires a priest for money which (1) The Priest's share was in the offerings (2) A combination Idols and God was never part of the plan. Then the Danites, who were looking for a place to settle, took the priest and other god images (forcefully) and made it thei...

Judges 1 - 10

The Israelites attacked the lands allocated to them. But unlike the word of God which asked them to destroy everything, they didn't do so and only forced them to hard labour. There was no leader for God to direct them. The angel of the Lord rebuked the community for having made a covenant the inhabitants of the land and not drive them out completely. This was a recipe for chaos and utter rebellion against God and his word. People forgot God and worship other gods and what was promised happened. So judges were raised but were not listened to. It says the anger of the Lord, The following judges were mentioned: -OTHNIEL (Caleb younger son) the deliverer -EHUD The double edge sword that killed the fat king (follow me) - 10000 Moabites were struck down -DEBORAH (Prophetess); King killed by a woman (jaheL) with a tent peg. She sings a song to exhalt the tribes of Israel Midianites plumdered the livestock and their land and left them nothing. -GIDEON (Mighty Warrior of Manas...

Joshua 11 - 24

The impressive list of the defeated kings is shown. Often we see something like that as boasting. But in fact it is boasting as it's Lord himself who has allowed these miracles to happen. We must be shy or feel that its not our place, but we should proclaim such news in order to direct God's people in worship and praise. A lot of time (and ink) is spent to discuss the territory of Israel. Like anything, unless it's properly defined, it's up for discussion and debate. God knows us very well and we struggle to be content with what we have. Cities of refuge were also defined of those who would await trial before the high priest. The wonders God is shown in that not ONE of the promises He had made had failed! We should be encouraged and know that the same can be done in my life. The tribes east of the Jordan set up an dummy altar to show that they are heirs of the promises of God. Joshua makes a final appearance before all the people and urged them to consider the je...

Joshua 1 - 10

Joshua was told by God to be strong and courageous. Rahab showed godly fear by rescuing the spies and accepting the fate that was bound unto her own people. River Jordan upstream stopped flowing and priest stood on dry ground in the middle of the river. The hand of the Lord is powerful. It's as if the israelites that grumbled with God caused the time of the wilderness to last 40 years! It could have lasted a much shorter time! The sons of those men were now circumcised. And the amazing part is through that God forgave the people's sins from Egypt and the manna stopped that very day! Wow! The famous march around Jericho for seven days and its wall came down. They destroyed everything in it. Hectic! Through this Joshua became famous. God proclaims that people must surely follow him and do exactly what he says. God shows a pragmatic side of him that we shouldn't wallow in our self-pity but that we should focus on making things right with God first. So they stoned...

Deuteronomy 21 - 34

A rebellious son will be judged and be stoned to death if he has displeased his parents. If someone's sheep or posesssion we shouldn't ignore it and gather and keep it until he claims for it. Adultery required both man and woman to be put to death. Purge the evil among you. It's our responsibility to keep the integrity of the group. Nocturnal emission or "Wet dreams" is seen as unclean are requires the man to go outside the camp. We treat it so lightly but God wants complete holiness. No earnings of the male or female prostritute shall be accepted for any offerings. Taking vows should be taken carefully. The man is required not to be sent to war during his first year of marriage so he can please his wife. Moses says to the people they shall shout curses onto those who do them (which includes those who don't do everything that is in the law) and all the people shall say "Amen!". God proclaims that if we disobey him, our life labour bec...

Deuteronomy 1 - 10

This book starts off by telling what had happened in past tense. It's as if Moses is trying to make an autobiography of his life on what God had done not so much what he said. But it goes into more details of how the people of canaan, and the different tribes came about, the wars they won and the cities they lived in. Moses asks God if he could just peek at the land that will be given to his people. Moses didn't ask for God to reverse his judgement on him. That's true humility. You don't wish for things to get better, but for your heart to accept it and be at peace. The Israelites are warned to remember what God and not forget the covenant God made with them. Moses warns them about passing on this history of faith and obedience to their children and their children. This creates a sense of aweness that we need to have for God and how amazing is his love and there is no other. We should proclaim his name! This is Moses' sermon to the people, just like a father wil...

Deuteronomy 11 - 20

God proclaims that they (and we) should do just as he com manded, not taking away and not adding to it. God says you must follow God and him only. False prophets that go against what the law says must be put to death. We need to purge evil among us. It was everyone's duty to purge the evil. In our case, it's exclusion from the fellowship. The people are commanded to give generously and not forget the poor people in that land because they will always be among them. Its so weird because its almost the exact scripture that is used the letter to the corinthian church. God says that a man can only put to death on the account of two or three witnesses. When a king is chosen (among the people) he is to write a copy of the law for himself and read it all the days of his life so that he will not veer to the left or to the right. For leader in God's eyes must be his best student. Moses describes what a prohpet should be. Someone who proclaims the words of God in its entirety. S...

Numbers 21 - 36

At the place where water came out from a rock, Moses didn't show proper respect to God when addressing the Israelites hence was cut-off from leading the people into the promised land. The Israelites go into the canaanite lands and find that they are able to defeat them (Moabites, Amorites). They capture and settle into the land of Moab. Aaron and Miriam died on their way to into the land. The story of Balaam is a very interesting one. I'm not sure why it's in the bible but a couple of lessons can be learnt. It sounds like Balaam was a prophet who knew how to inquire of the Lord but yet was not an Israelite. He also used to practice divination, hence the Moab elders asking for his help. He was rebuked by his own donkey having the voice of God and decided to repent and bless the Israelites instead of cursing them. It says that he was filled with the spirit of God when he uttered oracles to the people of Israel. What's interesting is that God used an alien to proclai...

Numbers 11 - 20

So now after two years of eating the same food i must be honest, i would also start to rumble. This is the first true sign of frustration. I mean imagine not only having one option of food but being told how to eat it in a certain way? In today's society that's personal suicide. Some people would say that's one good reason to start civil war in a country. Now Moses feeling the sense of pressure from the people demanding meat (and fish, cucumber etc..) outside his tent and the Lord getting exceedingly angry because of people's demands, he broke down. But what's amazing is that he vented his frustrations TOWARDS God not away from him. Often times we seperate ourselves from God because we are stressed. I can SO relate as I tend to take matters into my own hands. Something to learn and carry into my heart. So God's answer is to this problem to provide meat for a whole month. The count of Isreal was 600000 men on foot: so roughly 2 Million mouths to feed mear in ...

Numbers 1 - 10

We pick up the story of the Israelites two years into being wanderers in the desert and God says its time to take a census of the people. One would think the census was done only then because after two years being with the Lord, it can be said that you've proven yourself worthy to be counted part of the family. Those who were 20 years and older to serve in the army. God was getting people ready to fight those tribes in the land of Canaan. The total number of all tribes - 557050 which is different from 603 550. Why the difference? I don't know. Mabye someone can help me. The levites were not counted but were responsible for the tabernacle and assembling it and camping around it. Moreover, among them shall be priests that will perform duties within the tabernacle. What's really interesting is that although Moses was the leader of the group, he had bible talk leaders that had responsibilities for the 'clan'. The Kohathites was a levite clan that was responsible of ta...

Leviticus 21 - 27

The Lord gives rules to priests. How they should leave. The high priest needs to remain clean and holy before their God. "Because they present offerings of food to their God". This level of holiness transcends even to the his family and its relatives. Hence God sees a one holy person and considers that household holy. The feast that needs to be commemorated is explained. It's amazing how as much as there are so many rules and regulations, these are times (very specific i must ask) are the people are supposed to be together and eat while remembering God's works of old. It's a if God says commands them to be a family and eat together. Just as Act 2:40-42 If only the year of Jubilee could still exist! To having said all that, the "do's" and "don't", God explains to them the consequence of their choice when it comes to His laws. There's a reward of constant food, peace in the land, victory over your enemies. but most importantly ...

Leviticus 11 - 20

Clean and unclean foods - God was very specific about what His people should eat. He was acting as the Doctor, Pharmacist, Physio and Nurse. The consumation of dead animals and animals torn by wild beasts was strictly forbidden (Wonder why!) The purification of woman and circumcision passage has paved the way to common practices within the medical industry until this day. The woman is often kept in hospital for a week before she's released. The bady boy is circumcised at 8 days old because the highest count EVER of clotting agents are in his body. Amazing! The flow of blood was considered unclean. God the doctor took care of his people. He was very particular about the number of days to be observed with regards to skin disease. The priests were to wait before making a final ruling on a person. The segregation of the diseased person was harsh but needed for the people of everyone. God gives regulations about mildew. What's amazing is that He was very specific about what we...

Leviticus 1 - 10

God always has a plan. The burnt offering constituted of a male animal without defect. This reminds of one of the letters of (Hebrews) whereby Jesus is described as a unblemised lamd "without defect". WOW! And this was done over 3500 years ago! It was burned (all of it) on the altar. The grain offering - fine flour and offered without yeast - The sabbath was observed also without yeast. The fellowship offering - Don't eat blood, wave pieces of meat to God as a wave offering and keep some meat for the priests to eat. Sin offering - This is unintentional sins. The Bull was slaugthered as an offering. Here God tackles (4:13) the issue of "but i didn't know it was wrong" For even those who didn't know are seen as guilty in the eyes of God. It sounds a bit harsh but I believe that it was done so that the people will become aware of their actions and have a "what would God do" mentality in every situations they face. What's also interest...

Exodus 31 - 40

The amazing thing about of God is that he tells us what he expects from us by giving us laws and decrees. At the time of hearing all this, I'm sure people felt a bit overwhelmed. But yet he always "provides a way out so we can stand up under it" (1Cor 10). After having spoken of these words, which must have seemed 'Greek' to those simple farmers in a desert, he fills people with the "Spirit of God" and in so doing enables them to become expert craftsmen. WOW! Sometimes we forget that It was ONLY the Israelites that were commanded to strictly observe the Sabbath unlike popular beliefs today. Moses comes down the mountain (after 40 days), and the people had built and were worshiping a golden calf. Their excuse was that they didn't know if "this Moses" went and whether they will ever see him again. Their intentions were great, but went about it in the wrong way. Moses pleads for his people and reminds God (as if) that he took these peopl...