Scared of Dying : "Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying." (Hebrews 2:15 NLT) We all know that confidence is one of the most important attributes we can display. Employers look for it. Romantic partners look for it. Co-workers look for it. If confidence is so important for our success in life, why do we do often not have it? In the last few devotionals, I've shared with you some of the roadblocks to confidence that were evident in the lives of the disciples right after the Crucifixion. They were a mess. The first two roadblocks to confidence we can see in their lives were fatigue and failure . The third roadblock - and the most critical - is fear . The Bible says in John 20:19, "The disciples met together locked behind closed doors in fear of the Jewish leaders" (TLB). The first disciples had seen what happened to Jesus, and they were afraid they were next. They were playing the "what-if...
The Chronicles of a rediscovering Bandjoun nomad